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April 26, 2020 10:33 pm  #1

Hapless AOC and her double standard ideals

You KNOW our entire political system is completely BONKERS when we elect dunderheads like AOC to a PUBLIC OFFICE, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE.  What on earth were the people of NY thinking?

She did nothing but bitch and complain about how broke she was until she could lay her hands on her first "gubmint sponsored paycheck" but now she wants the rest of us to live in poverty?  Yep, that seems to be her communistic goal - - because of course she is a communist, you know.  You'd have to be an idiot to think otherwise.  I hope with all my heart that she is ousted in the next election.  Maybe the NY'ers who put her into office can also get her out, and thank you if they do!

*** First article is about the hapless AOC and her double-standard lifestyle & outlook.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

April 26, 2020 11:11 pm  #2

Re: Hapless AOC and her double standard ideals

Whoever authored the last item in the above weekly recap at Taki's sort of screwed up, but he's pretty arrogant when it comes to thinking he knows it all about the hapless covid illness.

Maybe the guy who HE (the writer) says died of covid, didn't REALLY die from the "virus" at all = = maybe he had some underlying conditions, wonder if the writer ever thought about that?  Too many people are missing that whole part of this "disease".  Evidently if your immune system is up to snuff, you're in the pink.

If you're not in good physical condition to begin with (as most nursing home patients are NOT) you stand a much, much higher chance of acquiring the disease (and probably many OTHER diseases, too) as well as possibly dying from them. 

How dumb would you have to be not to connect those dots from the very beginning?  Hell, I did and I'm not a doctor, just a curious person with a tad bit of medical knowledge and background.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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