QUOTE from article at link below:
"Everywhere we look, we find signs of out-of-control Big Pharma influence on medical policies and public health laws. This shouldn't come as a surprise, considering drug ads account for the vast majority of most media outlets' advertising revenues. As a result, the media are no longer providing us with fair and balanced reporting on the prevention and treatment of disease, and this certainly includes the subject of drugs and vaccines. As reported by Periscope News Group editor-in-chief, Christina Morales:1
"Prescription medications are a multi-BILLION-dollar industry that's making not only the pharmaceutical companies tons of money, but also the network television stations … Did you know that pharmaceutical advertising has soared 62 percent since 2012 and is projected to cost $610 billion by 2021? …
The average American watches 16 hours of pharmaceutical commercials each year which is more time than they spend with their primary physician. One-third of these people ask their doctors about a drug advertisement and most request a prescription.
Clearly this type of advertising in generating a huge response from the public, but it also is having an impact that consumers rarely think about: if these companies are paying television networks billions of dollars to advertise their drugs, would their news stations risk losing big money accounts by reporting negative information about the company?
Public figure and activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once shared that, 'I ate breakfast last week with the president of a network news division and he told me that during non-election years, 70% of the advertising revenues for his news division come from pharmaceutical ads … He also told me that he would fire a host who brought onto his station a guest who lost him a pharmaceutical account.'" "
AND FROM HERE IT ONLY GETS WORSE . . . FOR ALLLLLL OF US HUMAN BEINGS (altho it's great for the phRma industry). Keep in mind, they are the biggest business on the face of the earth. They have been joined by several very very very wealthy people who own large corporate interests and THEY make money off this, as well.
Can you imagine? If not, keep reading.
Between drug ads and medicare give-aways, we see and hear NOTHING else on tv these days, that's why I've limited my watching time to a few programs I like, but mostly I watch the channels with NO ADS. They're out there, you just have to look to find them.