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January 5, 2020 5:08 am  #1

Democraps hate Trump more than they hate terrorists, good grief

It is truly a very shameful thing when a dumbass like Cory Booker is elected to represent the people of not only his district, but the entire USA, in some regards.  He CANNOT EVEN SPEAK THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROPERLY.  See here:  "Less of a safe place"?????  Really, that's how he speaks??  OMG.  But then again, few people use our language correctly anymore.  Very few.

"Despite the fact that Soleimani’s death will save American lives, Sen. Cory Booker said on MSNBC it is Trump who is “making the world less of a safe place.” Within an hour of the news of Soleimani’s death on Thursday, Booker appeared on CNN asserting that Trump, “has had really a failure in his Iranian policy.”

Although it was President Obama who shipped $150 billion in cash to Iran, emboldening terrorists like Soleimani, Booker is convinced that under the Trump administration, “Iran has become more influential and more dangerous.”

But he fails to say how this is so and why he thinks the statement is true.  It's unbelievable.  These guys just say whatever pops into their little, fat heads as though it were fact.  Yeah, and let's be sure NOT to criticize anything Obozo did, even if it was blatantly WRONG. 

I guess I just don't understand the meaning of the word "fairness" anymore.  The dumb democraps are just so backward in their thinking, it scares me to even imagine what will happen once Trump is no longer in power.  We better hope like hell one of his boys or another good republican takes the helm because is that's not the case, we can all forget about a future which involves freedom.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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