Does anyone really care if Jeff Bezos and his wife are getting a divorce? Does anyone really care how or if it effects his company? Hey, if you're a stockholder and your "wealth" depends on someone's marriage - - - you aren't very smart.
Here's the thing: I don't know what his wife wants in the settlement. What difference does it make? She'll get 70 billion dollars worth of SOMETHING. If he gives her stock options and that's not what she wants, she can sell them off and get cash for the stock if THAT'S what she wants. Either way, the increase or decrease to the stock values isn't going to rise or fall in the extreme. Anyone with half a brain knows that.
I wish the media would stop reporting on this as if it's news. Who cares what happens to them in their personal lives? Maybe if we cared more about our country and less about it's wealthiest people, we'd be in a better position than we are at this moment in time.