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January 14, 2025 10:50 pm  #1

Thank God for Sen. Mark Wayne Mullin

He is the only person who has been questioning Pete Hegseth who made any sense at all.  He made points that NO ONE ELSE even approached (especially the stupidass democrats).  They were not willing to answer questions about their own service, but they are willing to pounce on Pete Hegseth.

What a bunch of pious assholes.  Mark Wayne Mullin was the only one willing to ask the important questions.  The rest of this committee whipping was done by the high and mighty democrats who seem to think they are qualified to do anything at all.  Most of them can't even explain how they were elected to their current positions.

It has been a complete cluster fuck on the part of the democraps.

FOX news is showing this clip right now.  Mullins is shaking things up in the convo!


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

January 14, 2025 11:52 pm  #2

Re: Thank God for Sen. Mark Wayne Mullin

I have never heard a bigger bunch of lairs in my life.  This is inexcuseable.  I have never heard so much convoluted BULLCRAP in my life.  Pete Hegseth is being put through the wringer and rightly so, but the people asking the questions are the people who should be the ones being questioned.  As far as I'm concerned, Pochahantas shouldn't even be allowed to be in politics.  She is wholly unqualified to do ANYTHING because she is a liar and we all know that. After drinking a glass of wine on tv with her husband IN THEIR OWN KITCHEN, she has the gall to say that Pete should never be allowed to take a drink. Has she ever been in combat????

The man (Hegseth) has faced death multiple times in several wars - - IMHHO if he wants to take a drink, if he wants to get shit-eating drunk he should be allowed to do that. It is absolutely no ones business if he has a drink or if he gets snot-flying drunk.  This is why so many of our veterans come back from war with problems, because they are afraid to admit to having had a drink or smoke a joint or whatever.  IT'S NONE OF THE BUSINESS OF THOSE PIOUS CONGRESSIONAL ASSHOLES.

Pete has been to Yale and Harvard, I think he knows what he wants to do with his life and if taking a drink occasionally is one of those things, so be it and the dimwit dems can shove it up their pious asses.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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