If you love history as much as I do, you will enjoy this.
From about the 10 minute mark to about 22 minutes, there is a fascinating blurb about the area where I live, between Custer, SD and Deadwood/Lead, SD. Also talks about Cheyenne, WY and a couple of places in Nebraska and Iowa too. I like this guy! THE HISTORY GUY.
Magellan TV - - The Dust Storm and a Tale of the 2 Dakotas - Dustland to Grassland.
I did not have to BUY anything (I never do that). If I can't watch it free, I find another place to locate what I'm searching for.
This is why my grampa and my Dad raised cattle rather than "farming". They also planted groves and groves of trees as shelterbelts, and my gramma grew chokecherry groves, plum bushes (not from a tree doncha know?) and she had chickens everywhere so she could use the chickenshit as fertilizer!! Great stuff. The eggs were just a side benefit! Gawd I hated collecting eggs because there were 2 chickens who refused to move off their eggs and they would peck our arms relentlessly. My cousins and I were always relegated to egg collecting and turning the silage piles. Ewwwww the smell was awful.
My Dad and grampa also raised meat for the troops during various wars. They were able to use water transported by wagon and barrell from the Missouri River and the Oglalla aquifers. The house on my grandparents ranch was moved there from LeBeau (shown on the map in the video above). I think they spell it LaBeau in the vid, though.