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Today 3:53 am  #1

More of the dangerous anti-Trump "hoaxes"

Another Dangerous Anti-Trump HoaxKamala Harris, Tim Walz, CNN’s Jake Tapper, and other journalists are claiming that Donald Trump threatened to use the military against Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff and other Americans “who don’t support him.” IN FACT, Trump said nothing of the sort. He was answering a question about “agitators” who would sow “chaos on election day,” like the “Afghan refugee charged with plotting a U.S. election day massacre.” He was NOT talking about Americans who “don’t support him” but “sick people, radical-left lunatics,” who’ve rioted, committed arson, and murdered people. This is the latest in a series of 12 hoaxes that have endangered Trump’s life by demonizing him as a dictator, racist, anarchist, and fascist: 1) The “handled by the military” hoax. 2) The “bloodbath” hoax. 3) The “migrants are animals” hoax. 4) The “very fine people” hoax. 5) The “inciting insurrection” hoax. 6) The “dominate peaceful protesters” hoax. 7) The “dictator on day one” hoax. 8) The “hack Hillary’s emails” hoax. 9) The “indicting political opponents” hoax. 10) The “don’t fix the border” hoax. 11) The “quid pro quo” hoax. 12) The “Unified Reich” hoax. 

60 Minutes “Fact Checking”While criticizing Donald Trump for canceling an interview with 60 Minutes, CBS reporter Scott Pelly claims, “We fact-check every story.” IN FACT, 60 Minutes’ infamous “fact check” of Trump before the 2020 election was a blatant falsehood that materially helped Biden’s campaign. 60 Minutes has yet to issue a correction for this act of journalistic depravity: In an October 2020 interview with Trump, Leslie Stahl of CBS’s 60 Minutes insisted that the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop “can’t be verified,” even though 60 Minutes brags that it conducts “hard-hitting investigative” journalism. Demonstrating the absurdity of that claim: • the listed recipient of one of the most incriminating emails from the laptop verified that same month that he was “the recipient of the email” and the “email is genuine.” • the NY Post pointed out that they published an array of pictures and emails from the laptop with “an extraordinary level of detail” that supports their authenticity, such as a picture of Hunter in a bathtub and a picture of a Biden family meal, along with emails to friends and family all bearing dates and times. • the New York Times slipped this statement about the laptop into the 24th paragraph of an article published 18 months after the 2020 election: “The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.” • CNN reported 18 months after the 2020 election, “We know the FBI has possession” of Hunter’s laptop, and “they believe it is his laptop — that the contents of it are his.” • the Washington Examiner commissioned a forensic examination of a copy of the laptop’s hard drive which found that its contents are “indisputably authentic, and there is no evidence of any hacking or file manipulation, according to an examination conducted by a former Secret Service agent who has testified as a cyberforensics expert in over 100 classified, criminal, and civil matters at the state, federal, and international levels.” • the Daily Mail commissioned a similar forensic analysis that arrived at the same result as the Washington Examiner. • the Washington Post acknowledged in 2023 that it had “verified” the authenticity of emails from the laptop, which contained smoking gun evidence of Joe Biden’s bribery that the Post had buried for more than two years. • the U.S. Department of Justice confirmed in a 2024 court filing that the FBI and IRS authenticated the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop years ago by matching them to his iCloud backups. Pre-election misinformation and censorship of the laptop’s contents by media outlets, government officials, and big tech significantly boosted Joe Biden’s odds of winning the presidency. The effect was estimated by a November 2020 online survey of Biden voters in swing states commissioned by the Media Research Center and conducted by the Polling Company. It found that 45% of Biden voters “were unaware of the financial scandal enveloping Biden and his son” and that: “full awareness of the Hunter Biden scandal would have led 9.4% of Biden voters to abandon the Democratic candidate, flipping all six of the swing states he won to Trump, giving the President 311 electoral votes.” 

VP candidate Tim Walz claims that “the Electoral College needs to go.” IN FACT, the Electoral College is a safeguard against tyrannical mob rule. The founders of the U.S. explicitly rejected the idea of forming a pure democracy because that type of government allows the majority to easily violate the rights of the minority.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claims that Obamacare “doesn’t suck — it cures.” IN FACT, average U.S. life expectancy — which generally rises over time — stagnated after most provisions of Obamacare were implemented in 2014. This proves that Obamacare cost lives, failed to save lives, or was overwhelmed by other factors. (AND NOW MEDICARE IS FUCKING UP THE REST OF THE MEDICAL CRAP, SO WE MIGHT AS WELL HANG UP THE MEDICAL CARE.  WE'D ALL BE BETTER OFF TAKING CARE OF OUR OWN HEALTH ANYWAY.  Fewer pills, fewer surgeries, less treatment - - that's what would be best for us all).

Cal Berkeley professor Robert Reich claims “there is no moral justification for today’s extraordinary concentration of wealth.” IN FACT, a major driver of wealth inequality is government social programs, which significantly depress the savings of low- and middle-income households. Government social spending has grown dramatically over recent decades, and Reich supported this based on his morals.

(MINE Robert Reich is an idiot, he cannot see what's plainly in front of his face.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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