My Polka Dot Apron

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Yesterday 8:42 pm  #1

Fun facts about the moon and the zodiac!

Teach your kids about the moon because unless they're just naturally interested in it, they WON'T learn this sort of thing in school these days.  All they teach now is climate change and global warming (both based upon false premises) and both of which are huge lies.  Heck our gubmint has even scared the socks off most FARMERS!!!!  It's just plain crazy.  This is what's left for this 2024 season.

Every Full Moon Remaining In 2024 And How They'll Affect You | Watch (

10 Fun Facts About the Moon You Might Find Spooky (

But you should always teach your kids about the phases of the moon, (Farmers Almanac is a great place to start, and so it the Old Farmers Almanac).  It has always fascinated me but only because my Dad took the time to teach us kids (all 5 of us) about it and to take us all out onto the back porch or up into the hayloft and look out at the stars and the moon.  I'm afraid of the Milky Way, always have been - - it looks ANGRY to me, what about you?
This is a list of the zodiac signs and the dates to which they apply.  I'm a Leo!  My family has lots of October and December birthdays, but we have SOMEONE in all the signs even if it's only one person.

My sister Candy had the prettiest kid's birthstone ring I've ever seen.  She had 1 daughter in January (deep red garnet) and twins in April (diamond).  Mine was ugly, 2 lime green peridots and 1 sapphire.  Not pretty but my kids were sure cute and still are!!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

Yesterday 9:02 pm  #2

Re: Fun facts about the moon and the zodiac!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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