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October 16, 2024 8:54 pm  #1

About those hurricanes . . .

. . . and the lack of help from our compliant gubmint idiotsBiden and Harris belong together, they're both complete jackasses. Of course, both of them will deny any or all of the information in this video.  But if you've been paying attention, it's pretty obvious that it's all true.  I, for one,  have been trying to tell people about the lackluster FEMA responses for over a month but no one wants to hear it.  Hmmmm. This is 18 minutes but well worth viewing (from my friend Sylvia). We cannot let COMMALA be elected. Heck, she wasn't even SELECTED, she just pushed her way in.  How come there have been 3 attempts on Trump's life, 1 attempt on Elon Musk's life, and 0 attempts on either biden or harris?  Talk about NOT logical..... 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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