My Polka Dot Apron

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Yesterday 10:40 pm  #1

They cover for her all the time!

Really?  So what else is new . . .

The only difference is this time they got caught deceptively editing their OWN PROGRAMMING!  This will continue to happen if COMMALA gets anywhere near the oval office.  We cannot let that happen.

We cannot let publications like this one continue to trample on DJT, either, like they do in this article.  They are liars spreading wild rumors.  If thse stories were based on fact, there would be more than one outlet talking about them . . .   Doesn't matter if it's CBS, NBC or whatever.  NO ONE believes these people anymore and even FOX news is being questioned quite a bit.

Last edited by Debrah (Yesterday 10:43 pm)

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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