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October 11, 2024 3:22 am  #1

Trump is winning without even really trying!

Let her go drink beer with Colbert and argue with the guy on MSNBC (when he was right about everything but she wouldn't actually answer the questions she was asked).  She is a complete failure on several fronts this week alone.  It's only 3 1/2 weeks until the election, thank God.  This has been the longest summer ever, not to mention the most expensive and the most worrisome.  She just doesn't get it, she doesn't have a clue how to handle things like hurricanes so how is she going to handle Putin, for God's sake?!!!

Christ sakes, even Obozo can't help her now.  She has screwed up badly.  None of her dimwit dem buddies are going to be able to help her out of this mess.

Answer me this:  WHO WOULD FEEL SAFE with HER at the helm????  Not me, man!  I don't even think ol' joe and his wife the ho would feel safe.  No wonder idiot obozo has a home in Hawaii.  Maybe we should all go visit him there!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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