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September 27, 2024 9:55 pm  #1

How come?

I have a question:

How come the assassins are only taking shots at Trump, but no one is shooting at COMMALA?? Or biden for that matter????????????????   HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.  Let's see.  Could it be because the assassins are democrap lunatics??  YES.

The far left is going to keep this up but they keep lying about it and now even quite a few of the CONgressional members are beginning to question "what the hell is going on?"  The whole thing is completely lopsided and we can all SEE that.  Now COMMALA is going to pretend to go to the border after 3 1/2 years of lying.  She's been a big part of these decisions.

She thinks if she goes to the border now that AZ residents will change their minds and vote for her.  HA!!  She's dreamin' as usual.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

September 29, 2024 12:12 am  #2

Re: How come?

I have another question:  WHY does every news publication keep asking if we're better or now than we were 4 years ago???  WHAT A STUPIDASS QUESTION.  Of COURSE we're not better off, at least as a senior citizen I can tell you my group is not.  We are also scared shitless that biden will squander our SS money before we're done using it (!) and us older people will have nothing to live on.  NO ONE can afford groceries, NO ONE can afford gas (except the illegals of course, who are being treated carte blanche)

If we were better off now than we were 4 years ago, no one would HAVE to ask that stupid question. 

I'm voting for Trump and I'm not afraid to say it anymore and I have Trump/Vance posters in all of my windows!!! They are attracting a good bit of attention too because ever since I put them up about 10 days ago I've seen them springing up like tulips in May all over my neighborhood. 

I live where there are lots of chickenshits, I guess.  There are no REAL MEN left anymore.  I had the last one and he died of diabetes & cancer on March 16, 2021. (Would you believe his blood sugar was TOO LOW??)  He had cancer like many members of his family, which we all believe came from the water source that supplied his home town years ago.  They still have not fixed that situation, according to my DH's one and only brother who is left and lives near there but not in that town anymore.  He also still has two sisters alive, one who lives in Omaha and one who lives in Oklahoma City.  I have one living sibling left and he's 12 years older than me.  He lives in a town about 250 miles away from me and I miss him every day.  The doctors keep telling him he is PRE-diabetic and I keep telling him there is no such either ARE or you aren't.  Medicine has taken a very nasty turn in the past 10 years and in the next 10 it's going to take an even worse turn, no matter who is in CONgress.  BIGMED is now run by the drug companies, so is medicare and all of the health insurance companies.

AND, lastly, do you think COMMALA even knows what the word "holistic" means???  I doubt it.

Check it out here:

The way COMMALA was using this word does NOT match up with it's meaning whatsoever, girls and boys!! 


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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