My Polka Dot Apron

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September 15, 2024 3:27 am  #1

Fulvic Acid

This sounds like something worth investigating for digestive issues.  9 of my sons 11 kiddo's are down with the shits and puking.  They are supposed to have school pictures on Tuesday but THAT'S not gonna happen.  My 2nd oldest granddaughter has had tummy issues for a couple of years already so we've all been on the hunt for things to try.  I noticed also that Dr. Mercola's site sells Humic Fulvic Acid and he sells good quality stuff.  Worth looking into if you're having issues, and please don't buy into the current restructuring of a NEW covid outbreak.  That's just bullshit anyway.  It's nothing more than the flu.  The people who were getting the sickest are the people who were actually stupid enough to take those shots.

The other thing to try is A2 milk (comes in a convenient powder) which mixes up very nicely and tastes great (I bought some for my grandbaby). Use it just like any other milk product.  We made scrambled eggs, hot chocolate and brown sugar frosting and a few other things with it and it's wonderful.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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