Why are those dumbass people so hellbent on NOT understanding and then promoting all the wrong stuff? It makes ZERO sense. The last guy (in the pink box below) CLEARLY has no damned clue. I wish he'd re-read his own comment. What a nutjob. Actually NONE of these L's or D's make a scintilla of sense. When this prints out there is lots of goobledygook mucking up the reprinting of my post, you just have to scroll past it all and go to the first article (Putin Endorsed WHO for President) and just ignore the rest of the crap. I do not know why this forum continues to do all that junk but it makes it hard to copy and paste anything worth seeing.
Putin Endorsed Who For President?! And More Ls
[img] ,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/"> Did you laugh? [url= ][color=#363737 !important]Upgrade to paid[/color]Hmmm… I wonder why people think SCOTUS is too political, Ketanji… Well, by his own reasoning….
Putin prefers Harris because he's not AFRAID OF HER and he knows what a complete dumbshit she is. WE ALL DO. They proved that during Afghanistan.
She will ruin America and change everything about our current way of living, making us serfs to the rich. We are going backwards, back to ROMAN times, do you feel it? I am supporting Trump and millions of other people are too, so if I were COMMALA I wouldn't get my hopes up too high about moving into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. She's dreamin' again. She's too stupid (and has spent 3 1/2 years proving it with her stupid comments) and now she has chosen an even stupider VP. No one wants this duo of doorknobs in the WH.
Here, try this it might be better to read.
Jay Black is STOOPID.