My Polka Dot Apron

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August 31, 2024 11:16 pm  #1

I think it's time for Maher to come over to the RIGHT side!

He must certainly know by now (especially after that delusional Nazi Nannzi interview) that he is beginning to think much more like a righty than a lefty and thank God for it. 

Until we get the lunatics out of office I'm still afraid to go to church, or go ANYWHERE outside my house, for that matter.  I keep my buckshot gun handy at all times, and my derringer in my purse whenever I have to go somewhere.

She is such a WITCH.  She belongs with the Nazi's which is why I call her Nazi Nannzi.  And even SHE plans to leave the USA for Italy and I wish she would do that right now.  We do NOT need her anymore, her task is complete.  She is a smirking bitch and Italy can HAVE her.  You realize of course that she used OUT taxpayer money to purchase her property in Italy, right?  Well, she did, check it out you can find references to it online.  ALL OVER THE PLACE.  40 years if sucking off the gubmint tit wasn't enough for her???  She's retired and STILL doing that and how is she getting away with it, I think someone should investigate.  How about it Bill Maher?  Where's your balls?  START INVESTIGATING. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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