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August 24, 2024 10:27 pm  #1

Clinton's and Obozo's should have stayed away!

I tried every link in this article but I could not find one that would open on the subject of whether or not billyboy clanton has Parkinson's (but he had the balls to criticize President Trump for his age, and Clinton is the same age!)  Clinton had a birthday 4 days ago and Trump was 78 in June of 2024, and there is a VAST difference in their health, as you can probably guess without any video to show it to you.  They all criticize Trump because he eats McDonald's occasionally or has Dairy Queen ice cream sometimes, but he's sure a lot healthier than any of the dems who were on display at this hoax of a convention.  Trump almost seems to run on battery power!!

Trump puts all of these bimbo's to shame in many ways, mostly in "brain power". 

Well, I finally got this link to open (hope it works for you) but I cannot believe this guy actually thinks COMMALA is worth the trouble.  If you listen towards the end of the vid, he mispronounces her name and yet claims to support her.  OMG!    He's still a skallywag and always will be.   Not Parkinson's, probably a VD from his exploits over the years.  HE thinks he's good looking but I have never liked him, he always came off as a liar. Still does.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

August 24, 2024 10:41 pm  #2

Re: Clinton's and Obozo's should have stayed away!

From the link in the above post: 
He certainly doesn’t look or have the mental acuity or energy of Donald Trump 🤣. I think he would have been better served keeping that to himself.— QEInfinity (@QEInfinity1) August 22, 2024
Bill Clinton says he’s younger than Trump, Bill Clinton might be younger but he surely looks older and weaker than Trump.
Trump is a stronger and healthier than Bill Clinton.
— Nora Gonzales (@NoraGon93416294) August 22, 2024
Does Bill Clinton have Parkinson’s disease?— gregalabama 🇵🇱 🇺🇸 (@gregalabama) August 22, 2024
 It’s farcically ironic that the Democratic Party weaponized Bill Clinton’s geriatric frailness to slam Trump as “too old,” when it rabidly insisted until just last month that President Joe Biden was spry enough for a second term.After Biden dropped out, Democrats and their establishment media lapdogs immediately began attacking Trump’s age — as if that’s a bigger liability than Kamala Harris’ glaring ineptitude and abysmal track record.It also bears noting that Biden critics raised his old age as an issue only after he began making a series of inexcusable gaffes and physically falling numerous times while walking up stairs. For the left, his age was somehow less of an issue than his rapidly deteriorating mental fitness.
Biden stumbles multiple times, falls as he climbs Air Force One stairs— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) March 19, 2021
U.S. President Biden trips and falls during Air Force Academy graduation ceremony visit, is helped up and walks away unassisted, per Bloomberg.— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) June 1, 2023
 The past three and a half years under the Biden-Harris administration has been marred by punishing inflation, skyrocketing crime, daily border invasions and escalating geopolitical conflicts.Trump is not a perfect candidate, because there’s no such thing. But he is head and shoulders above Harris; there’s simply no comparison.And age has nothing to do with it."

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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