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August 22, 2024 3:07 am  #1

COMMALA is losing the love !

Her own party is more or less turning on her (that's because her ideas are horrible and she lacks energy to actually speak, and she talked about Joe's low energy???)  I do believe she actually might be drunk - constantly.  I read an article about that yesterday and I read one just before this one that said she was in a plane that circled the airport for over 15 minutes so she damned well better not be bitching to the rest of us about "green energy".

These people are just whacked out, maybe drugs???

Chuckie Schoooooomer's wild dance to the mike didn't help matters any.  Makes them ALL seem nutz.  That's not enthusiasm that's revolting !!!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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