My Polka Dot Apron

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August 21, 2024 10:53 pm  #1

Blackberry Cobbler & some supper ideas, too!

You can use any fruit for this recipe, really, and it will come out fine.  I bought some blackberries the other day and they were in my fridge for 2 days and then they went moldy.  My God at bidenomic prices this sort of crap will break a person up in business.  Those blackberries were purchased specifically to make cobbler or crisp (no oatmeal added, PLEASE) and I was so busy doing laundry while my grandbabies were here I didn't get around to making the cobbler right away but who knew the berries would spoil in 2 days???  So, beware what kind of fruit you use.!%20%F0%9F%8D%8E%F0%9F%AB%90%F0%9F%8D%93%F0%9F%8D%91%20-%2014756495=

You have to be careful when you buy veggies, too, because if you don't use them right away they also get moldy and spoil quickly.  I made a huge romaine lettuce salad with cherry tomatoes, green peas (fresh),  fresh crimini mushrooms chopped, small florets of broccoli, some black olive slices, chunks of pickled artichoke (yum), and my homemade buttermilk green goddess dressing and they ate it all and wanted more.  I was out of a couple of the things I originally used but I made it the best I could and they devoured it again.  I'm glad they like fresh veggies and fruits because that's what I eat a lot of around here with meat being so expensive.  I do often buy large rump roasts and let them bake all afternoon (I have a wonderful recipe for that cut of meat) and I also like to buy large hunks of pot roast beef and I spice it by adding the spices to a large ziploc bag and shaking everything up and then I put the meat in and make sure it's covered in spices, then I throw it in the crockpot, later I add carrots and potatoes (whatever I feel like adding that I have on hand actually) and by evening it's a meal.   Sometimes I fry cabbage sliced thinly and brown it and then add that to the crock pot, as well.  Gives a delicious flavor.

I also buy ground chuck and lean ground beef 93/7 and mix them together and make either meatloaf or poor man's steak (hamburger patties with LOTS of gravy).  I make my own homemade gravy but a lot of people use the junk in a jar or the McCormick powder mixes - YECK!!!  Can you imagine never having FRESH HOMEMADE GRAVY???????????  My gramma farm would be turning over in her grave to think that people actually don't know how to make a decent gravy from almost any kind of meat drippings.  It seems a bit stupid to me, also.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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