My Polka Dot Apron

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August 14, 2024 12:37 am  #1

Arizona chicken!

I can't even imagine people living anywhere in AZ where they would want to be using an oven at 425 degrees - - not ANYTIME of year.  I haven't been to AZ in absolutely YEARS (for obvious reasons right now) but I do remember as a child my family was on vacation to the Grand Canyon and we were caught in a sandstorm, the car's engine was FULL of sand and stalled, my Dad had to catch a ride with a trucker (which was safe back in the 1950's) and we had to sit in the car as it was rocking back and forth in the wind until he returned.  I do not remember what happened after that but I do know we had to get rid of that car because the paint was pitted from the sandblasting it took.  It was a little pink rambler station wagon and I sure do wish they still made them.  They made sooooo much more sense than these stupid electric vehicles.  I can only imagine getting stranded in the AZ desert in an electric car that only runs for about 2 hours in the heat anyway - - can you even imagine?

Nevertheless, THAT is  my biggest memory of AZ, certainly not their chicken!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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