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August 13, 2024 4:13 am  #1

People are having trouble understanding the difference

Sort of like they just cannot seem to differentiate between a migrant and an illegal immigrant.  Having been IN the service is NOT the same thing as actually having served on a battlefield, what part of that is so hard to understand?

Walz has lied to America now for 30 some years.  We need to get rid of him, not elevate him.

You can be in "the service" without actually serving on ACTIVE duty, which is a different animal entirely.  But the dimwit dems just don't seem to grasp the difference and that is pretty sad.  It tells you what Trump/Vance are up against when trying to explain things.

Very few National Guard guys serve in actual, active military duty.  NOW they won't even let our National Guard guys go down and guard (or try to) the open border that COMMALA has created in 3 1/2 years even though she actually denies being the one in charge of the border.  She's a flat out lunatic.  I would really like to know her definition of what "being in charge of the border" means to her?  Now THAT would be an interesting conversation with a lamebrain like her!!!


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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