My Polka Dot Apron

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August 4, 2024 12:01 am  #1

recipes for kissing biscuits

These recipes for "kissing biscuits" (or at least what WE called kissing biscuits) were similar to some of these recipes, although we did not make them into layers, we did not roll the dough out flat, we dropped the dough from a teaspoon (shove the dough off the spoon with another spoon).  Anything to save clean-up time and washing dishes!

Search through the recipes on this page.  The ones we used to make were made with buttermilk, cream and lots of butter.  You'll surely find something you like!

I hate any recipe using Bisquick.  That stuff tastes just like sawdust to me.  When on a cattle drive, which we did every fall and every spring, my Mom always had pans and pans of baked beans, dill pickle potato salad, biscuits, and always some kind of dessert - - in the fall it was usually pumpkin hand pies and in the spring it was generally something with berries.  Usually strawberries or a mixture of strawberries and peaches if she could get them.  In my small hometown there used to be a guy who came through from the south and sold fresh fruit (sort of like going to todays health food stores or a roadside market of some type).  Now I just do my best to order mostly organic foods and we try not to grill a lot of our food (they say it's not good for you, but what the hell do I care!) but we always, always grilled our fish (usually salmon or walleye) usually on a plank.  You'll have to look that up if you have no idea what that means!  They have spiced planks that work really well.  We enjoy Hobo dinners or Cream Can Dinners all summer long. 

As much as I love winter, I am getting more and more to be a summer person if I can just avoid the heat and the hot wind.  Since the stroke I do not tolerate either of those very well.  Of course, a cold beer always tastes good and helps to beat the heat !!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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