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July 25, 2024 5:38 am  #1

Tucker explains why gas prices are so high

This is pretty interesting stuff.  About 20 minutes long but worth your time.

OF COURSE rich people don't care about the price of gas or food or electricity or anything else.  Why should they?  We pay for all their stuff, you know that, right?  If they had to pay for their own stuff they'd start caring.  America is doing something wrong and someone needs to figure out what it is.  Oh yeah, right, it's the dimwit dems!  They don't give a shit about anything except their own bank accounts.  Hell, they don't even care about each other.  You do see what they did to joe biden right?  That switcheroo has been in the works for a long time because he's been faltering and falling for a long time and they all knew he had to go away, but they sure picked a crappy way to do it.  If I were a biden I wouldn't ever speak to those people again.  But, you know, $$$ talks. LOUDLY.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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