Even PubMed is in on the propagandistic methods of demeaning the use of herbal (botanical) medicine.
Well, they can talk till they're blue in the face, but I will always believe in herbal medicine before money-based medicine and insurance-based medicine, which is what we have today. If it weren't for the women of the past basically passing on the traditional medicines in herbs, many of the most severe illnesses would have no hope of being treated, because it's certainly clear that phrMA drugs cannot help people.
If you watched the series (9 part docuseries) called Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness (the entire series is being replayed until the evening of Tuesday Sept. 18th, 2018 and is available online during that time, or I can supply people with links) you'd know just why botanical medicines and nutrition ended up taking a back seat to the highly financed allopathic medicines which are now killing people by the hundreds of thousands every year. Why doesn't anyone want to recognize that herbal medicines have few if any side effects and are pretty much banned from use today, while allopathic medicine kills in large numbers and has a laundry list of very serious adverse effects and yet between the doctors and hospitals and insurance companies (who are the prime mover here) only bigphrma is allowed to be used? There is something hugely wrong with this picture folks.
Here is episode one explaining a bunch of information about this subject. It starts out kinda funky, but just stay with it because by the end of the video you'll be much more aware.