He's a BAD actor in the first place (SAG with tell you that) and why is he under the assumption that what he thinks actually matters to anyone? The guy is as delusional as biden and harris!!
The other big question is why doesn't anyone seem to care that Clooney has hair on his face but it's a "big deal" because JD Vance does??? Talk about 2 sets of rules . . . Clooney has had that "hair on his face" for quite some time, that is not just now being grown for some stupid movie part he might accidently get.
And PUHLEEZ don't tell me the joe biden these people ONLY SAW FOR THE FIRST TIME ON STAGE AT THE DEBATE IS THE ONLY ONE THEY HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. Those people have had their heads in the sand for years, obviously.
And NOW all of a sudden they're growing concerned? I've been calling this "elder abuse by his family" for several years already but people who really think they're SOMETHING have to be shown how stupid they are. These people are shielded from the real life tragedies of joe's open border disaster. The rest of us peons are not protected much less sheltered.