I'm a "westerns: girl, always have been. I am in the process of re-watching Lonesome Dove based on characters from books written by Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Larry McMurtry. I don't like the first part as well as the second part, called Return to Lonesome Dove, starring Jon Voight, William Peterson (he was in one of the CIA shows on tv a decade or so ago, can't remember which one) and Nia Peeples, Reese Witherspoon, Barbara Hershey, Louis Gosset, Jr., Rick Schroeder, Oliver Reed, Chris Cooper, C.C.H. Pounder, etc. LOTS of great stars in a great show.
If you're looking for all around great entertainment, this is what you should be watching. I ordered the DVD's years ago but decided to rewatch this once again. I think the original starred Tommy Lee Jones, Robert Uhrich and Robert Duvall.
For a change of pace, give yourself this treat for the summer! I give it 5 stars!!!!!