Right there on national tv they are lying their heads off, saying that biden did really well in the debates and that he beat DJT??? If you actually watched those debates, you can clearly see that biden was not the winner here.
He was not even cognitive through most of the debate, I just don't understand how those people can be so blind, unless THEY are the ones who want to run the country further into the ground but they need ol' joe to prop THEM up because they claim he has name recognition. Yeah, recognition for his incompetence, his theivery, and his LIES. Who would even want to support that much less are we supposed to believe that he's not raking in money by the truckload? I mean, really????????????
Th idiot I saw this morning actually said --- believe it or not -- he actually said that he would vote for biden even if they had to haul him into the oval ON A GURNEY for his swearing in. OMG. We are being literally attacked by many foreign countries, in various ways, and still those dumbasses support the chief dumbass. I just don't understand the logic because THERE IS NO LOGIC. The dimwit dems don't operate on logic at all. Not a bit of it.
AND, AND, AND . . . ol' joe needing help from nursejill to get him down the steps in the room where the debate was held (the steps were in front of their podiums) - NOW THAT WAS TRULY TELLING. And REALLY SCARY, AFAICS.
America doesn't need THAT in the White House any longer. It's been hidden from some of us for a long time (many of us who are trained in this stuff know better and saw it early on), but if your eyes are truly open, you've been onto this guy and his lies since the covid debacle. Covid was a coronavirus and coronaviruses have been around since the beginning of time, people. PAY ATTENTION at some point anyway. Most people just sail along and go with the staus quo, but I've always been a questioner. LEARN TO ASK QUESTIONS AND BE VERY OBSERVANT.
Everyone - - and I do mean EVERYONE, in my neighborhood is voting for Trump. I would love to put a Trump sticker on my bumper but in this neck of the woods NO ONE USES bumper stickers unless they want to be attacked by illegals who are all over the place and are hiding on our indian reservations. They are causing major havoc down on those reservations because they know that indians will drink or smoke anything that doesn't drink or smoke them first.
"Media outlets love to rely upon these Frank Luntz-inspired polling experts who’ll bloviate endlessly about which moments triggered the most clicks or what an audience thought on a minute-by-minute basis, but this information is mostly irrelevant. Why? Because these events – and, specifically, that level of Biden trainwreck – don’t consist of a bunch of individual moments multiplied. The human brain didn’t score the Trump-Biden debate on a 10-point must system, where you add up the scorecards and see who won the most rounds. That’s just not how an audience processes information. What’s truly important isn’t the sum of individual moments but the feeling when all those moments are over. It’s the takeaway that matters. In baseball parlance, it doesn’t matter which team “won” the most innings but which team won the game. Everything else is incidental or anecdotal; the point is the final scoreboard. So what will the audience take away when the dust settles and the image crystallizes? The first is the most obvious: President Biden is old AF (as the kids say) and mentally unwell. Right now, the public is considering what this means for them, their country, and the entire world."
And now they're saying Trump should drop out of the race??? OMG, these people are just plain whacked out. ALL OF THEM are on the edge of self-destruction.
Yeah, "check" is right! They (the dimwit dems) have all checked their brains at the door.