My Polka Dot Apron

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June 27, 2024 4:59 am  #1

77 July 4th side dishes & a couple of boozy ideas, too!

Some of these sound just scrumptious and some sound just AWFUL.  I guess it's all in what you've been raised with and what part of the country you live in.  Here in the upper great plains we are used to plain foods like roast beef and mashed potatoes and a salad or baked bean side dish of some kind. Personally I like the cowboy baked beans (using Van Kamps pork n beans in a can and then add a small can of kidney beans and a small can of lima beans, some bacon, some brown sugar, salt and pepper, maybe just a dash of ketsup if I don't have any vinegar on hand.  It only takes a dash.

In the summer months we also eat a lot of salads, both green and potato type salads (my favorite is dill pickle potato salad, but that's a recipe you'll have to find on your own cuz it's not included in this bunch!). 

I also really enjoy ham salad sandwiches.  We served ham salad sandwiches on brioche tea buns or small hamburger buns at our wedding, along with several types of salad and some rum based lemonade one of the older women made.  It was delicious. I have a Kitchenaid mixer and I bought the attachment for it that I can use to grind meats.  I grind up ham for ham salad sandwiches about 4 times each summer because my grandkids love them, I throw in a couple of hard boiled eggs and grind those up, too.  I add some pickle juice (just a tad) to kinda clean out the meat grinder because things have a tendency to bunch up in there without some liquid once in a while.

Hope you find something you like on this page. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

June 27, 2024 6:50 am  #2

Re: 77 July 4th side dishes & a couple of boozy ideas, too!

Here are some great sounding drink recipes.  We usually make sangria, but not always.

We have had the watermelon drink but I did not bother with making a simple syrup.  We just mixed watermelon juice (watermelon chunks smashed with a potato masher) and a quality white wine.  If there are only white seeds in your watermelon, you don't even really need to strain it.  Actually even wine from a box (like granny BoxWine - nazi nannzi piglosi!) ain't too bad.  Or a cheap prosecco mixed with the waternelon after it's crushed up.  After a couple of glasses you really won't care!  I know the recipes mention rum and tequila (depending on where you find your favorite recipe, if you don't wanna use the one above) and those are really good too.  I'm not a  big fan of tequila (my DH loved that stuff) and my brother in law now lives in AZ and drinks the junk from across the border made in a horse watering trough!!  But then again he'll drink anything.

I like Orange Julius' with alcohol added, too, if it is made right and it depends on what kind of booze you like.  But usually I'm kind of a beer girl. I like the cream ales and the ski mountain lagers and stuff.  Beer, for me however, is more of a winter drink.  I like to sip wine slowly and on a hot day there's almost nuthin' better than watermelon flavor, am I right?

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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June 27, 2024 7:18 am  #3

Re: 77 July 4th side dishes & a couple of boozy ideas, too!

Boozy Orange Julius:

There are some great sounding ideas for recipes at the bottom of the page at the above link, too!

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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