I see we need another lesson on the meanings of the words "migrant" and "immigrant". WHY can't people get this right??? Even supposedly BRIGHT people are making the same stupid linguistic mistakes constantly.
These definitions are from the Online COLLINS dictionary:
"A migrant is a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work."
IMMIGRANT: (or emigrant)
"An immigrant is a personor who has come to live in a country from some other country."
There is nothing here that says an IMMIGRANT/EMIGRANT is coming to another country (in this case, America) TO FIND WORK. That is NOT their goal, as you've been able to tell from the questions being asked by GOOD REPORTERS like Bill Melugian, Griff Jenkins and a couple of others whom I cannot think of right now!
NO sir, more than 3/4th's of these people are coming to America to live off OUR DIME, because ol' dumbass joe has promised them the moon and the stars if they come here and vote for him. So he's letting them stay in 4 and 5 star hotels (free, of course, with free meals, too) and he's letting them set up tents wherever they please (Gavin Newsom is following in his footsteps because he thinks it will look "kind and gentle"). What a couple of ASSES.
This is where they'll all end up!