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June 5, 2024 10:29 pm  #1

You've just gotta watch this

There is a link to the WHOLE SPEECH given by John Kennedy.  THIS TIME THEY POSTED THE ENTIRE VIDEO OF WHAT HE HAD TO SAY, when YESTERDAY they posted only 3 min 35 seconds of it.  You can see that the last minute or so of the vid was actually pretty important to the first part of his message.

I've never understood some of these "news outlets" because they post only part of something when, in fact, they really need to "bother" to post the entire video from beginning to end or not post it at all.  They should not be just picking and choosing the parts THEY want you to see.  That's what I call misinformation when they do shit like that.  Either play it all or play none of it.   I'm right up there with Matt Gaetz when he says "sure I could read the whole transcribed thing with joe biden, but I wanna HEAR it and I want the American Public to be able to hear it".  Yes, there's a complete difference between hearing something and merely reading the words on paper and obviously stupidass Merrick Garland knows it, too, and is trying his best to protect biden from public scrutiny.  Too little too late, is for sure in this instance.  People can see how morbidly deteriorated ol' joe is at this point.  He doesn't really DO anything of importance anymore anyway, his shadow cabinet does all that (and dumbass jill) but they certainly aren't doing him justice now.  They are holding his feet to THEIR FIRE.  It's amazing how these people even turn on their own.  Jill has the same birthday as my ex-husband and it explains a lot about BOTH of them !!!!!  Thing is, I think it's also the same day as Judge Jeanine Pirro's birthday and I like her a lot.  I don't know if I spelled her name right but she's on THE FIVE every day so you likely know who I mean.


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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