My Polka Dot Apron

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May 13, 2024 1:19 am  #1

You've gotta see these

You'll have to open up both of the links to get to the meat of this article, but you won't be disappointed, I guarandamnteeit!!!

It was a pretty raucous, wild crowd anyway (funny that this was "Wild"wood, NJ !  It was wild, for sure, but absolutely lovely IMPHHO.

Biden can't get 10 people to show up at  his "rallies" but Trump has over 100,000 people.  It's just unreal that biden actually thinks he can beat Trump, which we all know that if he DOES beat Trump, it will be because the dimwit dems have figured out new ways to cheat the voting system - AGAIN.  We all, also know that Mr. LOLEightyOneMillion cheated the first time around.  NO ONE WANTS that old fart in the white house because we've had to practically rebuild the whole building, plus the stairways for the old turd to get into the copters' and planes of the Presidential crew.  Wonder how much of our future Social Security money THAT wasted ?!!!!   Too much, I also can guarantee THAT lil tidbit.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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