SHOULD KEEP THEIR MOUTH SHUT. Like Meghan McCain. What a spoiled brat. If she ever actually lived on a working ranch, she would know that sometimes things like this just have to be done. Dogs go rogue. They kill chickens, they scare the cattle in various ways even though they're supposedly trained NOT to do things like that, they dig holes all over the place, they get into the bale stacks and tear up the bales of hay, etc. They can be very destructive, although I have no clue how the hell Meghan McCain would know ANYTHING about this subject.
These, surprisingly, are the same people who are voting for human abortions but they don't want to put down a rogue dog. Good God in Heaven what is the matter with fools like her? She's always been an idiot and this proves it. She's also quite ignorant!
Noem should never have tried to straighten out her words from yesterday. People who didn't understand it yesterday are NOT going to understand it today either. You have to actually come from a farming/ranching background to understand this kind of thing.
Here's another dimwitted asinine report on the dog and goat killing. Read my statements in the post right above this one because it's the same argument all the time with the same responses all the time. PEOPLE ARE STUPID and if they've never been around farm animals they should keep quiet on this issue. They have no problem supporting the killing of human babies . . . . . . . .
I would expect MORE from the PJ Media people. I have an account there to be on their comment list but I cannot figure out what password I used, so I don't have access to the account and they REFUSE to help me. I've written directly to them about this with ZERO response. If I didn't like Stephen Kruiser I'd unsubscribe from all their publications. But I have issues with many of the online news rags nowadays. They all write crap that's unsubstantiated and print it as if it were FACTS. Something's wrong with that picture. I don't blame Noem at all. I never liked rogue dogs and I HATE STINKY GOATS AND SHEEP.