My Polka Dot Apron

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April 25, 2024 10:46 pm  #1

Some of the stuff they promote is pure hogwash

And it's hogwash they've BEEN promoting for decades.  If Al Gore is so worried about the weather and climate change, he should take Fred Thompson's advice at the bottom of my posts!  What a freak Gore is.  Clinton was bad and brought us worse (his foolish, ignorant, big mouthed, no brainer wife) but Al Gore would have us all living in houses on stilts by now if he'd had the chance.  What a bunch of pure assholes.

It would seem only the republicans have any sense at all right now, and the dimwit dems are working hard to quash any notion that the pubs know what they're talking about.  It's because biden et al are fools.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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