Trump better be careful. He's gonna pull a boner yet that will have him being despised by more people than ever. I like the guy and intend to vote for him, but not if he chooses that traitor haley as his VP. He's not even considering any of the GOOD people he had around him when he was the President. For instance, why isn't he looking at Mike Pompeo or Steve (gosh I can't think of his last name but I think he was the WH spokes man for Trump and also held another position, you know who I mean? The guy who smacks his lips all the time, ok tell me his name > > >).
Trump needs to surround himself with people he can trust, so do you suppose he actually trusts that turncoat haley??? Boy, even I don't trust her, she's bad news. I don't know about the rest of you but I'd feel a WHOLE LOT BETTER with a guy like Mike Pompeo as Trump's VP, wouldn't you???