YOUR FIRST NAME MATTERS. In this article, the name Tyler is mentioned. I have a nephew named Tyler and I never liked that name. Consequently, I really can't stand that kid either! Never could. He's supposedly a grown man now but he is in his mid 30's and still lives at home, thought about getting married and then chickened out but the stupid girl stayed with him anyway. So I give her no credit for having a brain either.
The quotes below are taken from the link at the very bottom of the page.
"Gender can not be “assigned” at birth or any other point in someone’s life. It is also not a “guess” by the doctor as one first-grade teacher recently told a student. Gender is determined by the chromosomes you are given by God at conception. You remain male or female from conception to death, and there are no tricks of language or medical interventions that can alter this reality."
"Further, neutralizing names continues the unfortunate modern severance of people from their ancestry. It atomizes people and removes a sense of connection with all that proceeds them."
"It allows you to become nothing more than a historical vagabond, merely free-floating in the moment without connection to all that produced you (ancestors)."
"In an abnormal time, when men believe they can breastfeed, being normal is suddenly a radical act. We should pray this push to take gender ideology to children will provoke the same response from rational parents that it has in public schools, that it should be rejected outright and that it will spur a reinvigorated interest in traditional values. We must be continually wary of creating men with no connection to themselves, their faith, or their people."