My Polka Dot Apron

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December 5, 2023 11:55 pm  #1

Go for it, Ken!

I'm so thankful I never took a covid vaccine because I didn't believe in covid in the first place.  It was a form of the flu, nothing more.  Lots of people do and have died, over the decades, from the flu because it's worse or different in one person than it is in the next because of your body's terrain.  I have a couple of auto-immune diseases and still was never ill.  My doctor put me on a new drug last year (I'm not sure why) and since then I've been kinda dizzy sometimes and even passed out twice.  Hurt my back really bad the last time I passed out and have a couple of whopper black and blues, one on my hand and one on my foot.  It's a good thing I passed out where I did because anywhere else in this house and I would surely have konked my head on SOMETHING and been in far worse shape so I'll gladly take a few black and blue marks!  But no, no one should be taking this "experimental" vaccine, and this is one time you do NOT listen to the gubmint.  They are not the ones to be telling you what to do with your body anyhow because they KNOW NOTHING.

Ken Paxton, TX, is going to meet this menace head-on, thank God someone is willing to do it. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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