. . . is the fact that there is NO SUCH THING AS CLIMATE CHANGE. Could everyone please get off that damned train??? The sooner the better because they're using it as an excuse to CONTROL everything. Even guys like Dr. Mercola are spreading tales about "regeneration of forests" and "helping with climate change". What nonsense. The forests will regenerate themselves given the opportunity and when the climate DOESN'T change every 10 minutes, THEN YOU BETTER START WORRYING!!!!!
Most people cannot define what a virus is, they don't even know the difference between a GERM and a viral condition. For that matter there IS no such thing as a germ theory - it's all complete and utter BUNK.
My advice? Avoid the flu shots and the childhood "recommended shots" (you're only enriching the drug companies and putting your children in danger. AS A MATTER OF FACT, avoid ALL shots and you'll avoid all the "ill's" THEY keep warning you about). You NEED to run a fever. You NEED to sweat. You don't NEED TO AVOID OTHER PEOPLE for God's sake, that's about the worst thing you can do. Doesn't anyone realize that life spans are shorter now than they've ever been but you won't hear that from doctors or nurses or anyone else who's wholly bought into the DRUG COMPANY malarkey.
Last edited by Debrah (November 10, 2023 12:25 am)
Yep, Paul has their number !!!
Do you know anyone who died during that time that wasn't classified as a covid related death??
I sure don't. It's monstrously tethered to the joe biden "ASSMINISTRATION". They want you and everyone else to believe this nonsense so THEY can kill you in their own way. The biggest killer of all is the vaxxine mania surrounding this whole big lie, which far too many people bought into. Ditto for masks. Good grief. We'd all have been better off listening to Donald Trump when he recommended Ivermectin. That is, if you think you MUST take something. Now there's even bleak warnings on the motrin bottles and the acetaminophen bottles. Imagine that.