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October 16, 2023 12:08 am  #1

Here's biden's biggest cheerleader . . .

Once again lying his ass off, as usual.  People are just SOOOOOO done with this creep.  He should go home and breastfeed his baby (God that makes my stomach turn to even think about it).  WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE????

There's no excuse for this kind of nonsense.  Not to the level where HE takes it.  The guy can't decide if he's a man or a woman but he has no problem criticizing absolutely everything the republicans are doing without once even MENTIONING the RINO's and their latest hijinx in Utah.  Leave it to Romney and Ryan and a few other idiots to try to toot their own horns.  It's hilarious how stupid they are.  They should have their asses kicked BY THEIR OWN PARTY until the next election is complete.  No?  Add a comment if you agree . . . (You have to join the forum in order to comment and if you want or expect me to approve the membership, you need to register with an actual email address, not some made up gobbledy gook of random letters and numbers and symbols becaue I refuse to approve people who try to register in that manner.  Either you have an email or you don't.  If you don't, don't bother to try to register.)
But the biggest fans of biden in this article are the CLIMATE CZARS.  What a bunch of uneducated goddamned idiots.  They have absolutely NO CLUE what they're talking about, not the first clue.  They should go home and read the book called Fossil Future by Alex Epstein.  They might actually learn something though, so I doubt that will ever happen and it's a bit much to ask them to actually read a book full of facts.  They'd rather tell lies. 

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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