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October 8, 2023 10:40 pm  #1

2 things biden is good at

Lying to Americans and almost EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD
Stealing our money and theirs.  No WONDER hunter needs him around.  He's gotta pay for that crack habit somehow, doesn't he? 

This is sickening.

I don't know why these "writers" (they are certainly not journalists) try to use words they do not understand.  In the Intro to the article he says WHADDYA.  That's not even CLOSE to being correct.

It is spelled WHADDAYA.  You know, slang for "what do you"???  These people try so hard to be "cool" (like biden. a failure on a grand scale) that they come off sounding stupid as hell and looking stupid as hell.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

October 8, 2023 10:55 pm  #2

Re: 2 things biden is good at

This is WELL worth reading.  A continuation (sort of) of what I was trying to say in the above post.

The people who commented on this are the ones with the ACTUAL brains.  GREAT STUFF HERE.  Jake Sullivan fits right in with his stupidass dimwit dem buddies like "the squad" and many other leftists who cannot seem to get enough chaos. 


A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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October 8, 2023 11:18 pm  #3

Re: 2 things biden is good at

The writer of this article had this to say, but I wasn't about to PAY to read the rest of his article.  Either they want us to know badly enough to give us the information, or Twitchy should just shut down.  These teaser articles are getting more and more common and I hate them,  It makes me want to read at those places even less, so I've begun unsubscribing from them all.  But this is a good one even if you can't read the whole article, you'll get the drift.  And it's perfectly clear - - WOMEN ARE SMARTER THAN MEN!!!!!!  At least the wife knows better.

But really, what the hell was England thinking in the first place?  Elect some guy named Sadiq Khan for the mayor of London?  Whose bright idea was that??   All of England will be sorry for THAT stupid move. Probably sooner rather than later.

The writer of this article is only identified as "Brett" but it will explain to you the total reason why I no longer take trips ANYWHERE OUTSIDE THE USA.  NEVER AGAIN, not even by ship.  Besides, right now, under the biden thumbprint to destitution "administration" it's cheaper to go to Barbados for the entire winter than it is to buy a sweater.  We are all poorer for having even heard of the guy 50 years ago and he was no more intelligent then than he is now.

"I finally took my dream vacation to London in 2001. My wife, son, and I flew back in August 2001 … the biggest screening at the airport was to ask if you'd been to any rural areas, as the big threat at the time was Mad Cow disease.I haven't been back, I say I want to go back, and my wife politely reminds me that London 2023 is not London 2001. I've done quite a few posts on the police raiding silverware drawers in their crackdown on knife crime — they even have handy bins on the street where you can dispose of any sharp objects. Criminals use those all the time."

The irony in that last sentence is unmistakable - and funny!  They don't understand anything about crime. Not anything more than our stupid president does.  What they don't seem to be able to understand is that this way ONLY the criminals will have the knives and the guns. There is never a "shortage" for those people to get what they want.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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October 9, 2023 1:49 am  #4

Re: 2 things biden is good at

Here's another one:  HE MAKES INSANE STATEMENTS ALL THE TIME BECAUSE HE IS INSANE.  WHY doesn't his party pick up on this????  It's a mystery only the dimwits can possibly answer in their own inept way.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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