My Polka Dot Apron

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October 3, 2023 12:02 am  #1

Sure glad no one I know goes there anymore!

If nothing else has been accomplished by that goon Trudeau in Canada, at least all the guys who used to go up to Banff to go fishing with my Dear departed DH don't go there any more since tippy toes Trudeau has taken the reins in Canada and made a complete mess of the place, not to mention the wildfires for the past few years.  Actually the fires have been going on for several years, over a decade now, and THAT was thanks to some of the stupid obozo ideas about not burning the old, dead stockpiles of trees in the USA, and now WE are faced with almost inevitable fires in upcoming years if something isn't done.  This may not be a problem for those who like the smell of singed stuff, but I LIVE IN A HEAVILY WOODED AREA and there are those stupid slash piles laying around everywhere, just ripe for the burning.  Then the dimwit dems will blame the fires on "climate change" on top of everything else, just so they are never blamed for shirking their legal duties of keeping the forest floors CLEANED and cleared of old brush.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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