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September 28, 2023 9:55 pm  #1

Hmmm...sounds like a lot of democrap posturing to me

It also appears that many of the "high ranking officers" in AZ are "OUT OF THE STATE". Gee whiz, could it be because the state is now overrun with dangerous illegals that THEY are letting into their state unchecked, could it?

Yep, sounds to me like Katie Hobbs needed to go to Taiwan like she needed holes punched in her head, but the taxpayers are on the hook for it so yeah, let's go!  What did she DO over there?  Did she learn anything?  Who knows.  Did she DO anything, make promises we can't and shouldn't meet, or what?? She is disgusting and despicable, always has been, cheated her way back into office as have many dimwit dems this year.  But who do they blame?  Trump and the republicans.  Go figure.

This one republican was put in charge because SHE'S STILL IN THE STATE, one of the few political people still there, as it sounds in the article.  Ya gotta read it, really.  Hobbs needs her ass kicked in a REAL & LEGAL election.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

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