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September 22, 2023 2:23 am  #1

Let's teach the dimwit dems a hard lesson

I say tell Kevin McCarthy to shut the place down.  It wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen, in fact it ISN'T the worst thing that's happening right now at all.  Take a peek at what's happening in TX and at the border of AZ, NM and TX if you wanna see some REAL DESTRUCTION. 

And, sorry to tell the dimwits this but THAT little gem is all on biden.  He's gotta take the blame for all of that and apparently he doesn't think it's a problem.  Just wait you cantankerous old fool, and you'll soon learn what a REAL problem looks like.  Wonder if ol' dirty joe has been to NYC lately?  I'll bet Hocul would welcome him there to see the destruction taking place and the packed areas where the migrants shouldn't even be allowed.  In fact, I'll take bets that biden hasn't been to NYC in months.  He flies right near it every time he heads to the beach or his delaware mansion.  He still hasn't been made to answer how a politician on their supposedly crummy pay, can afford 3 houses, a corvette, vacations all over the world, weekends in Lake Tahoe (been there done that and it's not cheap).  He refuses to answer the REAL questions PEOPLE have been asking that reporters also refuse to ask him.  That's because they  KNOW the answers and they know that we know the answers.

Check out the latest plea from Kathy Hochul if you can find it online.  I already deleted the story I had been reading because it's so phony baloney I couldn't continue.  If she didn't want this problem, she should have said so earlier, instead of pushing for migrants and then SHE got stuck with them!!!  It's damned downright hilarious how these people continue to screw each other without a smile.  Joe screwed Kathy and she doesn't even realize it (and neither does he!!).   Hilarity ensues.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

September 22, 2023 2:26 am  #2

Re: Let's teach the dimwit dems a hard lesson

Oh wow a friend sent me the link so I can post it here!  Thanks!

You know what I say?  I say tough titty said the kitty.  This is what they originally asked for NOW DEAL WITH IT.  Hochul is so ugly I can hardly stand to look at her ugly mug.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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