This is nothing but out and out kabuki theatre, nothing will ever happen and nothing will ever be done. When the repubs make a threat they never see it through. When the dems make a threat, they make sure it happens. THERE'S the difference, and it's not a good thing even though it may sound good to the dimwit dems. It's not good because what they really do is for their own misdeeds, they run out the clock on the time allowed to file certain charges about certain issues. It's all about the "storyline" donchasee?
KABUKI THEATRE IS WHAT THE BIDEN "ADMINISTRATION" DOES BEST. They have had 50 years of practice on how to lie and how to steal and how to cheat. And to think I used to be a democrap. Makes my skin crawl to think about it. What really surprised me was when I learned that my only living sibling (who was also always a democrap because our Dad was one) is no longer enthralled with that party and has turned flat out to Trump. We talked on the phone for a LOOOOONG time the other night and agreed that if we don't get Trump back into office, this country is screwed - - without a smile.
I will believe this when I see it happening. Not before, but as I see it happening in front of my eyes. It won't happen because Kevin McCarthy doesn't have the balls to make it happen. He talks big and then runs the other way.