She just mentions she now has an auto-immune disease. Well, I have an auto-immune disease too and I didn't and would NEVER get a covid shot. I've had my auto-immune issues since 2010 when I took a stupid flu shot which I never should have done. If you've been paying attention, since covid hit the big screen, we don't hear about colds and the flu much anymore, do we,. WHY IS THAT??? Gee, I wonder - - just think about it.
But what KIND of auto-immune issue does Megyn suffer with? The article does not go into detail and there are many immune diseases, so they really should have said. Mine is 2 fold. At both ends of my body. My feet were affected (they are continually numb and often cold) and I also suffer with Sjogren's Syndrome also an auto-immune problem for which there is nothing you can do except apply dry eye drops about 50 times per day. It's disgusting but not dangerous.
To help with the coldness in my feet I try to walk at least a couple of miles every day and when I get home I soak my feet in epsom salt water. It helps but it is certainly not a cure - - - there ISN'T a cure. I've tried accupuncture, massage, accupressure - -you name it nothing works but movement. My eyes are a different story. I simply limit my driving to my "comfort zone" which is a rather circular pattern from my home but doesn't extend more than about 1/2 mile in any direction. I know that area well and feel comfortable driving in it, but farther out I do not feel safe and I also don't want to put anyone else in danger, so I stay well within my comfort zone.
What a great article!
Pfizer ignores the dangers and continues to push their money-making "shot business". I'm sure glad I don't hafta work in public anymore because I could not stand the chatter around this subject.