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I've been bitching about the fact that the Saudi's have bought up horse racing (as we used to know it) for YEARS AND YEARS, but apparently people only see and hear what they WANT to see and hear. Horse racing has now become a non-AMERICAN "traditional" sport. It's just sickening as horse racing used to be my favorite thing to watch every spring at Churchill Downs. Not anymore, this year I read the final tally and I think there were about 3 American horses and many of the horses included from other countries, just to throw us off, had been drugged.
Not a good finish for this wonderfully once clean sport. I doubt if it will ever be the ALL AMERICAN SPORT EVER AGAIN and how sad. The Mexicans were horning in for many years when they openen up Caliente down in Tijuana and now it's being taken over on a worldwide basis.
Pisses me off.
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