Well, biden did accomplish some of his goals, didn't he? ! He managed to kill off a few true blue Americans. But he doesn't require the border-crossing illegals to be vaxxed, imagine that. What a complete jackass. He did manage to kill off a helluva lotta people. Apparently not enough for him so now they're gearing up to try to set up us for "shots" for the winter months. He can kiss my sweet pink ass if he thinks I'm taking one of those things any more than I'd take a covid shot. He can cram them where the sun doesn't shine.
HE wanted this death toll to happen, he KNEW this would happen *all the "important people" who took this shot on tv really didn't take the shot - - they took water shots or something but it sure as hell wasn't the corrupted covid shots he wanted the rest of us to take. I never took one and I don't ever intend to take one. Luckily, my doctor doesn't require them and never did. She doesn't believe in them either.
The rest of biden's "policies" suck, too. GET RID OF HIM ASAP. We all know he's protecting his son once again from drug charges IN THE WHITE HOUSE NO LESS and that, in my book, qualifies him for immediate impeachment. IMMEDIATE, before he dies and we can't get it on the RECORD. Sound hard-hearted? You bet it does because I'm a hard hearted person where that incoherent monster is concerned.
Did you notice how "flu deaths" disappeared during the covid scam? That's because there WAS NO COVID at all, it was simply the "flu" reconstructed as something horrible; it was a made up disease to keep biden in his basement where he should still be. Or maybe he should be in a casket?? That would be my preference and I hope he takes COMMALA down with him.