Few people take the bible seriously, which is a shame. To me this warning represents nuclear war, which mankind has brought on itself just since biden has been in office. We've never before been under this threat but even the biblical people will only tolerate so much when it comes to corruption and lies and hiding things. We've certainly seen THAT in the past 4 years. We're seeing it (involving our president and his criminal family) right now, in fact.
What'd I tell ya? A looooong time ago I said right here on this forum that I simply compared covid to THE FLU, you know, the flu almost everyone gets in the winter months of the year? It's been going on for CENTURIES and will continue to do so. Actually, our immune systems NEED to have the flu every once in a while in order to keep itself "up to date" and help fight off other junk.
But our gubmint suppressed all the data on THE FLU and turned COVID into the worst disaster since the Hindenburg and the tragedies of WWI and WWII together. Can you imagine we let him get away with this? A feeble old man who doesn't know his right hand from his left hand and yet many Americans who actually knew better, let him dictate to them how they should live their lives, and we're STILL letting him get away with it. WHY?????