Now they're using the criminal status of hunter biden to promote others who have committed crimes. Tell me you KNEW this was gonna happen. It's amazing what a little power and money will do to inspire corruption.
Now is has become the new "blueprint". SICKENING. But hunter won't admit to having his own child with a hooker so feels he doesn't need to pay for her upkeep? But he didn't mind buying weed or paying hookers themselves?? What kind of scruples does this guy have anyway? My guess would be NONE at all. How soon before he's walking around with HIS willy hanging out? All the rest on the hill seem to think it's just dandy. Paging George Takie for advice . . .
Can we band together and save the old girl?? I sure as hell hope so. We've gotta get rid of the Obozo's and the biden's and their ilk, and then we might stand a chance.
Why are democrats so petty? This is why they aren't going to win in 2024. People are sick of this shit.