"In the hands of the Biden White House, it’s a trite, throwaway nod to a throwaway past the leadership of the Democratic Party and its progressive supporters are intent on erasing, not honoring. Does any sane American think contemporary leftists believe themselves to be operating in the “year of our Lord”?The fact that Biden’s topic of homosexuality and its spinoff behaviors is largely an affront to biblical Christianity."
Raise your hand if you actually think biden is a "practicing Christian"??? Yeah, sure he is. My left foot. The man is a doorknob once again. Bibbity, bobbity - BOO and he shits his pants!
The Holy Bible is FULL of filth, it really and truly is, but they don't RECOMMEND IT. Besides, the Bible was written over 2,000 years ago and almost anything was acceptable back then because no one taught them morals. Guess no one taught the current generation anything either (and biden certainly learned nothing but the bad stuff in his lifetime). I was lucky enough to have 2 decent parents who taught us right from wrong, hard work ethics and how to conduct ourselves in public.
AND, on another totally different note, what is with these young people who are graduating with less than qualifying grades who are up on stages ranting and raving about wanting FREE college educations? Another dimwit biden brainchild hatched and shown for what it is. IT'S CALLED SPONGING OFF THE ADULTS IN THE ROOM. Heck when I was growing up you paid for your OWN college, your parents didn't pay. They may have contributed but they didin't pay - at least mine didn't. But we kids were FAR MORE MATURE at age 18 than kids are today. Today's kids are coddled for far too long. Rich kids who went to Haaaaavaad didn't pay for their own college and most of them are now working in grocery stores. I went a bit farther up than that in my lifetime. But the kids today are complaining about EVERYTHING and ol' joe, he thinks it's "cute". OMG. Then again, the man's a pervert so what do you expect?