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May 18, 2023 9:26 pm  #1

Why is the FBI doing this . . .

I watched a tv program early this morning with Jim Jordan and congressional leaders talking to former FBI agents who are being persecuted for doing their jobs FOR YEARS. These men are former military *before transgender became the fight of the day*, they are decorated FBI workers, most of them with stellar records. 

IOW, the dimwit dems in attendance are "turning"  on their own institutions.  It's ghastly,  But the dimwit dems are too stupid to know they're fighting against themselves. 

It's actually kinda hilarious, donchaknow . . .

There is, as of yet, nothing I can find (in print) to post here about what happened but I'm sure in the upcoming days I will have plenty of sources with stories, to post here so you can see what happened. 

All the dems kept repeating over and over was Trump, Trump, Trump.  What GREAT FREE ADVERTISING!!!!!!!!!  God, they are so stupid they actually believe their own "stories" about him.  But that's ok, we really don't want those idiots on our side anyway.  These people know that biden is ruining America at the speed of sound, they also know that we were all doing much better (just fine, in fact) when Trump was president, which is why they simply cannot leave it alone.  The dems are now in the same classification as a doorknob.  Useful, but only on a door.  1 purpose only.  SO THEY LIE.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

May 18, 2023 9:46 pm  #2

Re: Why is the FBI doing this . . .

Well, here's the first assessment (and a damned good one, too!) so ENJOY!!  It's almost too hilarious to be the truth from dimwit democraps.  Do they KNOW how idiotic they sound????

Apparently not.

A government which robs Peter to
pay Paul can always depend on
the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw
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