I think she means the calamity of the rich not getting "their fair share" of the money they think they deserve. What a crock. I think we'd all be better off if the country went through a "calamity" like this, maybe the markets and the money stores would readjust to their correct levels. Evidently the rich wanna get richer and be more able to tell the rest of us what we can or can't do with ANYTHING in our lives, including money, household appliances and uses, etc. It's disgraceful what they're doing but it doesn't surprise me to see this fat, old, white-haired lady thinking she knows what's best for all of us. She's always been a grifter like ol' joe and many other politicians. Not all of them are dimwit dems, either. The repubs are just as bad (and I could name a few!!).
Just let the money market reset itself, but first it has to get down and dirty. It would be a hardship for a few months but that's better than the trillions of dollars ol' joe has us all in hock for right now. I don't WANNA be on that "debt train". Not many of us do. We can hop off that train if the dems would just leave things alone and stop giving OUR money to the illegals and the negroes who weren't even born at the time they claim we "stole" their money. What a load of garbage. Let California pay those people if they want to but CA will hafta use its own money, nothing from the US Treasury.
Not. One. Penny.
Should we reinstate COVID rules in order to avoid the "debt ceiling deal"? They are still advertising HOME COVID TESTS on tv all the time. If the covid scare is over, why are they doing this? To get rid of supplies?? OMG!
I'm so sick of joe biden being on tv interviews (rarely) because no one can understand a damned word he says. I think his teeth (dentures) are loose and falling out of his mouth while he speaks or something. He is constantly tripping over his own tongue. But if he reinstates covid policies, no border crisis can happen.
"Democrats and Republicans are at loggerheads over whether the debt limit should even be the subject of negotiation. GOP lawmakers, led by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of California, are demanding spending cuts in return for raising the borrowing limit, while Biden has said the threat of default shouldn’t be used as leverage in budget talks."
OF COURSE THE THREAT OF DEFAULT SHOULD BE USED AS LEVERAGE IN THE BUDGET TALKS......we need to just let that "default" happen and it will help the economy to recover. If we keep raising the debt limit, that's not going to "solve" anything. Dems can't even explain their reasoning for thinking that it will. Good grief.